Louise Grossfeldt

Animal Care Manager – Primates and Welfare

Louise has worked in the zoo industry for over 25 years. She had a long-term supervisory role at the Primate Unit at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo, where she worked specialising in the husbandry and management of a range of different primate species. Following this, Louise worked at Mogo Zoo where she was the Animal Manager for 3 years before joining Sydney Zoo.

Louise is a strong advocate for primate conservation and education, being involved with a number of external organisations including Borneo Orangutan Survival Australia as Vice President. She provides animal husbandry advice on the care of the non-releasable orangutans held within the BOS sanctuaries in Indonesia. Louise has a teaching background and helped to develop BOSA’s Orang-U-Friends program, educating children on the plight of orangutans in the wild.

Louise is a published author, having written a book with David Blisett called Our Primate Family, with the foreword written by Jane Goodall. She also holds a number of positions within the zoological region including:

  • Species Coordinator for Black and White Ruffed Lemurs
  • Species Coordinator for Siamang
  • Species Coordinator for Spider Monkeys
  • Member of the Animal Management Committee which runs the ASMP
  • Primate Tag Co-Convener
  • Regional Husbandry Advisor Primates
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